The thoughts and ideas regarding computer science of Charlotte Morrison
This variation exists through the social networks of seasoned professionals and produces the highest quality output when effective. Often, this type of collaboration provides limited success because the developer and commenters possess a similar domain of knowledge.Expert-novice
In this variation the novice often posts an issue and expert level commenters provide responses. This can expose the novice to a varied bank of solutions and provide the experts an opportunity to critique each other’s work.Novice-novice
When novice programmers act as commenters to another novice there is often learning by both parties. Novice collaboration requires caution because sub-optimal solutions may be present. The presence of experts that critique these poor quality solutions serves to balance these low quality solutions through corrections and occasional trolling.
coming soon.
The principle of most access has arisen in response to the increased burden employees in computer intensive industries face in accomplishing daily tasks.
The tight security access of systems causes inefficiency and distress as employees are often forced into the time-consuming IT support system for basic
activities like, installing a browser extension. The result of restrictions produces a disincentive to innovate for employees. Data and information
needed to step beyond pre-defined employment duties is often unavailable and requires documentation to show need before access is granted.
Demonstrating need based on a potential benefit may not be possible without access to the restricted data, creating a Catch-22 situation.
The same problem exists when employees attempt to innovate ways to improve efficiency, often they are so heavily restricted by the pre-conceived
definition of their roles, there is no room for creativity and time-saving exploration.
The principle of least access means giving users the most privileges possible without endangering the security of a system. For example,
a teacher may only have access to his/her own students information in the school data software. While this may be sufficient for most teachers to
complete the basic duties, a teacher would run into problems when diagnosing the root causes of a student’s poor performance. With access to full
academic records, the teacher can go beyond the expected duties and look for patterns of problems across subjects, other teachers and grade levels
providing a more robust solution for the student problem. When applied to users, the principle of most access (PMA) all user-accounts should always
run with as many privileges as possible.
The principle of most access is not without dangers. It will leave a computer system or data system more vulnerable to bad actors. But, I would argue, that the job of management and human resources is to find and hire ethical employees while implementing strict expectations for behavior on company systems. The reduction in basic tasks for the IT department will free up resources for more active monitoring and protection for the company system.
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Computer Science teacher.
Design Collaboration Testing Social Media Teams Development HCI Solutions Software Agile Engineering Tools Data Knowledge